
Here’s the thing: Women love confident men. Men who are self-assured. And we hate arrogant, overconfident a-holes. But here’s the thing, for me anyway: I don’t mind if a man is a little bit arrogant or overconfident, because that just means that he needs to be put in his place. There is nothing quite like taking a man who is cute, smart, funny, and nice and all that, but just a little bit too arrogant, and busting his balls. I mean absolutely wrecking him until he’s on his knees, looking up at me with this really meek, compliant attitude. That is so deeply satisfying, and it really is doing him a favor because it helps keep him in check. It makes him maybe a little bit less arrogant, and a little bit more respectful. Ideally, he is enough of a man to truly appreciate what it means to be completely humiliated, to be reduced to begging on his knees. Because that makes me wet.

There is something deeply romantic about watching a man go through this experience. He offers himself to you, he anticipates what might happen, but in the moment, as he contends with the actual sensation of having his balls busted, he wordlessly confesses something so primal, so elemental, something he wasn’t even aware of himself. And seeing him reveal this when he is so naked, and so vulnerable, is exhilarating, and it’s addictive.

I can’t imagine what it takes for a man to get to that point, but I have definitely enjoyed observing the process. I can’t tell you what it’s like to have a man before you who has come to grips with the fact that he should submit to having his balls busted. Or rather, I can tell you what it’s like. That is the purpose of this book. I will do my best to tell you exactly what it is like, what I have experienced, and what I expect when I bring a man to his knees.